Student Interest Group


To increase medical student awareness and interest in aerospace medicine and surgery.


University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix Aerospace Medicine Interest Group (AMIG):

Student Founder: Future Dr. Sofia Fabrega

Current President: Future Dr. Sofia Fabrega


Current Co-President: Future Dr. Ritwik (Ritz) Keshav



-Introduction to aerospace medicine

-"You're the Flight Surgeon" case reviews

Recurring short events:

-Space movie night with discussions regarding space medicine/surgery

Possible annual event opportunities:

-Tour of Luke Air Force Base and discussions of military flight medicine

-Flight experience day: hot air balloons to acrobatic flights with a focus on the aerospace environment

-Tour of Biosphere 2 and discussions about space analogue environments 

Longitudinal group project: 

"6 astronauts are returning to Earth after 3 years in deep space! Throughout the year, learn about the physical changes these astronauts may experience, discuss and design a medical/trauma pack, formulate a disaster response plan in the event of a crash landing, and learn/practice the skills necessary to implement this plan."

At the end of the year, students will participate in a simulation where they rescue a "crew" from a crash landing.


About Us | AMSRO - The Aerospace Medicine Student and Resident Organization